unique experience

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what we do

This is what we do. We design online experiences, be it websites, e-books, brandbooks or marketing posts. Find out more below.

client-specific experiences

We believe in client-specific products and services. Yes, templates can be solid, but are never specific for your market or target audience and thus, don't meet your needs and wishes. Going from ‘a nice website’ to ‘an amazing online experience’. We're talking about websites mainly, but this applies for all products we make that are related to your brand.

Women looking to laptop screen

• websites • digital e-books • brandbooks • marketing / promotion material • branded presentations

company films

Film is the best and most efficient way of communicating. Not only that, but people watching a video are also more likely to remember it due to the fact that you use two senses at the same time: 👀 and 👂🏼. We love to make company films where you  present you and your team, and where you show your company's culture to the world. We film in 4K with separate clip-on or shotgun mics.

An iPhone start screen

• company films • interviews • atmosphere shots • basically everything you want filmed


When you create a website, you want to be found by Google. For us, organic search optimalisation is implemented in the process of creating a website. It includes creating meta tags and descriptions (text of the Google result) and url-optimalisation. We’re actually still growing in the field of SEO and hope to expand our services on this area soon.

Google on an iPhone

• custom title tag • custom meta description • url optimalisation

organic marketing

To give your website more attention and generate traffic, we like to start with doing some organic marketing. This means promotion material in a template that you can share on your socials like Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook. We can help you with social media campaigns with our partner Studio Lenthe, contact us for more info.

An iPhone start screen

• branded visuals for socials • branded images for website-sharing (open-graph) • social media

technical support

Apart from our creative role in the process of creating something beautiful, it’s our duty to help you out with stuff like domain names, hosting and (dns-)servers. Are you looking to transfer your domain name or would you like to buy one? We’re here to help you out.

Technical support model

• domain name purchase & transfer • server hosting • technical support for websites

Every cool and inspiring company needs a custom website as cool and inspiring as the company itself. At uniq.design, we create unique custom website experiences for medium sized businesses by mixing three important elements together.